Notice Regarding Extreme Weather Emergencies

This communication is to notify you that Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 130, your retail water and sanitary sewer provider is:

  • prohibited from imposing late fees or disconnecting retail water or sewer service for nonpayment of bills that are due during an extreme weather emergency until after the emergency is over;
  • required to offer a payment schedule to a customer who requests such a schedule for unpaid bills due during an extreme weather emergency; and
  • prohibited from disconnecting retail water or sewer service for nonpayment of bills due during an extreme weather emergency until after a payment schedule has been offered and the customer has either declined to accept the payment schedule in a timely fashion or violated the terms of the payment schedule.

For purposes of this communication, an “extreme weather emergency” is defined as a period beginning when the previous day’s highest temperature in an area did not exceed 28 degrees Fahrenheit and the temperature is predicted to remain at or below that level for the next 24 hours according to the nearest National Weather Service reports for that area.  An extreme weather emergency is over on the second business day the temperature exceeds 28 degrees Fahrenheit.

Aviso Sobre Emergencias Climáticas Extremas

Esta comunicación es para notificarle que su proveedor de agua y alcantarillado sanitario Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 130 es:

  • prohibido imponer cargos por demora o desconectar el servicio de agua o alcantarillado por falta de pago de las facturas que vencen durante una emergencia climática extrema hasta después de que termine la emergencia;
  • obligado a ofrecer un plan de pago a un cliente que solicite dicho acuerdo para las facturas adeudadas durante una emergencia climática extrema; y
  • prohibido desconectar el servicio de agua o alcantarillado por falta de pago de facturas adeudadas durante una emergencia climática extrema hasta que se haya ofrecido un plan de pago y el cliente se haya negado a aceptar el plan de pago de manera oportuna o haya violado los términos del plan de pago.

A los fines de este comunicado, una “emergencia climática extrema” se define como un período que comienza cuando la temperatura más alta del día anterior en un área no superó los 28 grados Fahrenheit y se pronostica que la temperatura permanecerá en ese nivel o por debajo de este durante las próximas 24 horas. de acuerdo con los informes del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional más cercano para esa área. Una emergencia climática extrema termina el segundo día hábil en que la temperatura supera los 28 grados Fahrenheit.

Upcoming Meetings

Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 11:30 AM

Meeting ID: 852 8366 7034
Password: 383915

The District generally meets on the first Tuesday of every month at the offices of at SK Law, 1330 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 2650, Houston, Texas 77056.

Quick Links

District Alerts

For Text Alerts, text MUD130 to 474747 to receive important news and emergency notifications via text.

A public awareness campaign for water conservation in Texas.

A public awareness campaign for water conservation in Texas.

Water Information

Please contact the district’s water operator to set up new service. Click here to see all your water operator’s service and billing information.

Trash Information

The district’s trash operator has many guidelines you should look into. Click here to see all of your trash operator’s guidelines and pick up information.

Tax Information

The district’s tax assessor’s website allows you to find and pay your taxes. Please click here to visit the tax assessor’s website to pay your tax bill.

HCSO Contract

HCMUD No. 130 (the “District”) contracts with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office (“HCSO”) to provide law enforcement services to the District.